As a resident of NYC for over 30 years there are many tips I can offer to visitors!
I can offer restaurant, hotel and Broadway show recommendations! I have lists of suitable activities for all age groups for when my husband and I have friends and family arrive but the number one travel tip I give out to all arriving friends and family is… drum roll please!
To enjoy your stay in NYC its crucial to time your arrival and departure carefully!
NYC is the home and workplace for millions of people in not very much space! What this means to visitors is all of NYC has hundreds of thousands of taxis, cars, buses and vans on tight city streets with many of the streets only running in one direction!
So savvy traveler take a tip from a city girl! You don’t want to arrive by train, plane, ferry or car during NYC rush hour!
Heaviest traffic in NYC is from 7am-10am, and then 3pm-7pm. You will save yourself hours of frustration sitting in gridlock traffic when you plan your trip to arrive earlier or later than rush hour!
So your arrival and departure time properly timed will add hours to your enjoyment experiencing the most fantastic city in the world, New York!

Arriving at the right time adds hours to your stay in the most fantastic city in the world New York!
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