Making Lists?
Too much to do?
Too little time?
You are not alone.. but the Holidays can be enjoyed.
Write some lists.. do some planning. Breathe. Smile.
Here goes
#1 tip for Hassle free Holidays
Make a Basic Gift Planning list
Gifts– who is getting them & consult with partner/spouse on tentative budget..start looking now to get an idea of prices.
The internet can be very helpful for this.. compare ebay & Amazon.. what are the prices? How fast can u get delivery? What are the return policies?
# 2 Tip for Hassle Free Holidays after gift list plan tip list doormen mail delivery, your favorite babysitter etc ..its that time of year
Check Back for some more tips.
Its time to enjoy the Holidays
With some planning you can get it all done & enjoy your Holiday season & not let it reduce to you to an exhausted mess.
Now get writing that list & doing some research on the internet. Why not play some nice Holiday music while your writing?